Saturday, November 22, 2014

Leaders are followers.

This May seem random but bear with me it's a lot of things I've been learning lately that I'd love to share. Mostly about leadership. 

 I read this ( ) blog by Lysa and she hit it right on. Leaders are called to be set apart - how can you lead effectively if you don't have time to get direction for your team and yourself? The times we feel lonely are times when we *myself included * need to be extremely sensitive to the whispers of the Good Shepherd calling us. Sometimes guiding others seems daunting especially when we forget we're not in it alone and we don't stop to remember that although we're all leaders we're also all always sheep in the guidance of the Good Shepherd who only leads us to green pastures and still waters of rest, refreshing, rejuvenation, and blessings in abundance. When we remember to let Him lead we don't feel as alone in the journey. Trouble comes when we forget to remember. We feel alone. Discouraged. Tired. Frustrated. Stuff we were never designed to carry. He's carried those for us. All the way to Calvary. We're called to give him those burdens and carry his burden of love - which is light with an easy yoke. 

Ok. Another thing, semi-related. 

Sometimes when we have the heart to make a difference  we get frustrated with OUR efforts, because we don't realize we are we already are making a difference , but in very unexpected ways.  You never know who's watching and you never know who you're impacting or influencing. Go boldly before the throne , seek direction for you & your team  and fearlessly follow that direction - knowing  the God of angel armies is surrounding you and perfecting everything that concerns you. 
He's called us friend, to co-labor on a co- mission. He's pledged to never leave nor forsake us. He's in this (relation)SHIP with us , relating ( RELATION-SHIP)  to us and guiding us and working in,through, with, and for us. 

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