Sound familiar, Saints??
And no, I'm not just talking to my Baptist brethren- or about ( natural) Potlucks.
Sooo many times , people ( especially but not only women) hold back the precious unique gift in them from the table for fear it won't be enough or accepted.
I'm hoping to encourage you with two truths today.
1). Your unique giftings will never be fully accepted by everyone. Haters gonna hate. There will always be , until we get to Heaven, jealousy and her ugly stepsisters pride, selfishness and vanity. Jesus had haters. Noah did. Joseph sure did. Saul and David? Yup. We come from a lineage of it. Get used to it. But take heart, our good, gracious Father reminds us… for He is with us. He understands. He accepts us. He gave us our giftings.
2. You aren't enough. Alone, that is. You were never meant to be. You and I were created for relationship. We were created as a masterpiece display of His glory, power, and love -through us and in us. We were never meant to carry the burden of proof alone. Or even at all. That's his - Cast ALL your burdens. Pick up his light and easy burden and yoke. He desires nothing more than to do life with you and through you. Yea, even you!! And when we're just a vessel, letting his promise of "My grace is sufficient for you" ring true in and through us, we'll discover he's actually more than enough. There's enough joy. Peace. Love. Hope. Grace. And strength. In Him. Enough for us. And enough to share. Precious friends you weren't designed to fight this battle alone. Don't give into the thinking that you have to wear yourself out proving or doing on your own. Rest in the one who already has. You are enough. In Him. I promise. The dish he has to bring through you to everyone else is a perfect compliment and enough. He knows what everyone's bringing. He knows how much. He knows what is needed.
Let's both learn to trust deeper- and step out onto the water or down from the tree when he calls to invite us to dine. ( What if Zacheaus hadn't answered that call because he didn't have enough food or a clean house? Or the lady who made bread for Elijah? Or the boy with the fishes and loaves?). Let's be confident in His love and promises and go forth boldly today, beloved!
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