Monday, June 8, 2015

Faithful Friends

Today is apparently National best friend day.

In honor of that, here we go.

I may not have a singular "best friend" but I do have many people in my life I consider "framily."

They are faithful. 

They believe big things and challenge and encourage me too.

They are a "shield of faith".

What do I mean by that?

My friends have helped act as a shield for me.

By "Speaking to [me] with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit" - Ephesians 5 

Now, a lot of these people I'm lucky to see even once a week. So the modern version of this is social media and texting.

By posting a testimony or what they're learning or an encouraging word , {oh, give me a home ...where seldom is heard a discouraging word!!!} They effectively keep the prize, the goal, the mission, the mandate, the purpose before my eyes and ears. They act as a another layer of bubble wrap from the discouragement and depression and everything NOT listed in Philippians 4:8!! They help guard / sheild your heart from damaging things.  They act as trail markers, lining the path of the unfamiliar trail, helping me stay the course and on track.

Their authentic sharing also serves to boost MY faith by reminding me hey... if Abba did that for them, he can do the same for me!

So saints this a thank you. And a reminder that the "little stuff " matters. It makes a difference. And also a reminder to be intentional and mindful of how you use your influence.

What encourages you? Who in your life is a shield of faith for you, surrounding you with LIFE?

Posted via Blogaway

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