Ever wonder why "keeping up with the Jones" - or errrr, now days the Kardashians makes you tired? You were created to be you. No one else. You. Authentically. Fully. You.
By trying to be someone rather than who you are , you're performing. Acting gets old after a while, never getting to let loose and be real.
But, I'm not here to condemn you. Not at all. Just encourage and give you nuggets to chew on.
Most people perform because they feel it's necessary for approval , advancement, or gain.
They think if they have Shakira's hips , Beyoncé's booty , or T-Swift's smile, they'd have friends fame and fortune too.
Or if they were as smart as ________, as tall as __________, as good of a free throw player as ________, or half as creative as _______, they'd make it ok in life.
I have two things I want to point out here. The first: everyone- and I mean everyone- is an actor. It's very very very rare to see people just so raw and real. I guess that's why I find it so attractive in my friendships and when looking to date.
T-Swift? Yeah, as awesome as she is, she knows she's getting paid to perform. To present herself a certain way. If she didn't meet these expectations, she'd loose fans and concert and merchandise sales.
The airbrushed models in the magazine? Fake. The happy , no worries family on the spaghetti sauce commercial? Actors.
The girl in the cubicle next to you, who's life seems perfectly put together? It's not. She knows she's expected to be poised and polished at the office - but if you got to know the real her, After 5PM …
You'd realize everyone has their hang ups. Their quirks. Their struggles.
But you know, my friend, that is what makes life BEAUTIFUL!!
It leads me to my second point ( you thought I'd forgotten, huh?).
Hear me , loud and clear-
We were NEVER created to be perfect.
We were lovingly crafted by a Father so loving that He created us even with full knowledge of the mess ups and messes we'd make. He CHOSE to make - and use - us to extravagantly display His Beauty and strength in, to and through.
If we only grasped how much we were selling ourselves short when we try to stuff ourselves in a box - wether that's someone else's view of us, or a skewed view of ourselves, the solution ( auto correct corrected solution to soul iron ; I think that is fitting as well; it is like spiritual anemia) is the same : identifying ourselves as the beloved creation of a loving Father , not the dirt the world says about and to us. He took the dirt and recreated something divine from it. We've been made completely new. Completely.
So, What if we just be ourselves?
We'd be reflecting our creator, because we're made in His image. Others would more clearly see themselves in you by seeing Him in you. Walls would fall. Energy once misused by performing to earn approval can be used to fulfill our designed plans.
We are created individually and uniquely but for a common purpose. We fulfill that purpose in unique ways -one isn't better or more important than another. Pieces in the puzzle. A 500 piece puzzle isn't complete-or much fun-with only 499 pieces. And it's obvious that one is missing.
The World needs you -it even groans and cries out for you The real you. The true you -and, I need you.After all, you're beautiful now, but more so when He's shining through you. 😘
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