Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dear brothers.

Ok. I'm a girl. And single. So I naturally oooo and ahhhh over pictures of other girls weddings - and probably won't stop once I get to oooo and ahhhh over my own some day. That being said, I was recently pouring over Kari Jobes wedding pictures on social media. ( it's not like we're friends who meet for coffee...). Mostly because, hey, it's a wedding. And hey, it's Kari! I saw sooooo many comments about how beautiful she was and all that expected surface stuff... And some comments from guys that kinda made me go "huh?!?!" On multiple sites and from multiple guys I saw basically " well there goes every Christian guys hopes." Ummm excuse me? Brother, friend, sir, a couple of things. 1) God has the perfect person for you. And apparently it's not Kari. She's Cody's person. Your princess will be a better fit for you. God knows who and what you 
need. 2) *going to get a little harsh here* we as Christians and you are called to encourage and edify each other. Not put each other down. And you especially guys, are designed to treat your sisters with respect - and we you- but there's something about being male that requires gentleness with your sisters. Do you know how many girls that probably read those comments and felt discouraged? Or renewed hopelessness? Instead of the giddy dreamy hope that comes in sharing someone else's joy of a dream come true? { sorry to get all Disney on ya...}. Those type of  comments could be damaging. And I know, as a guy, you don't understand the depth of that type of hurt to a female. But trust me ... It's bad. So guys, and ladies alike, let's PLEASE be conciencious of our words? Words can hurt you, like the Gieco commercial says!! Let's choose life with our words and encourage and lift one another up!! 😃

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