Monday, September 22, 2014

Dear Church

Dear Church,

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I've become leery ,un-trusting ,and critical (exactly what I remind you that you shouldn't be to others.) of you. And frustrated with you.

I'm sorry I've forgotten the church is full of hurting people,too. Just because you walk through the doors,doesn't mean your life is perfect.

I'm sorry I've been self-centered and looked to the church to help ME through junk instead of helping the ones I'm called to encourage,uplift,and edify.

I'm sorry I've not been very patient,kind,or honoring. I haven't "forgiven and forgotten"...I still remember the matter how unintentional or mis-perceived. I've not been thinking the best of you,lately,either. I've not been very trusting of you,...nor really protecting you,like Jesus did the woman caught with adultery...He with out sin,cast the first stone...that's definitely not me! I've not persevered. I've gave up- time and time again. I get frustrated because you are still  learning in a area I've been taught some in,that I forget you've got a lot to teach me-that I need to know! I've been jealous that it seems virtually EVERYONE besides me (yes, a very over generalized,overstatement) has a "friend"...a "battle buddy" ...a "mentor"... someone to walk beside them,and uplift and encourage...In short, I've not been very loving. (1Cor13)

I've demanded grace,with out giving it.

Please forgive me? Walk with me,Help me? Guide me,Teach me,Show me, Pray with me, cry with me,laugh with me? Encourage me? Please? And let me do the same for you? For really, We are one. I need you.

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