Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Rolling the R's.

A friend texted me tonight and asked how I was doing.

Now, aside from ignoring her, there's two basic responses that could come from this. 

One, the basic, general, run of the mill cop out , surface-y " oh I'm good, thanks ", much like I give my customers at work, or an acquaintance . {why do we do this? Fear of not appearing perfect? News flash, no one is. Maybe we don't think they really wanna hear? They shouldn't have asked. If they asked it's not a pity party. And no one should be expected to be perfect 100% of the time.  

Two, an authentic, Raw, healing answer. 

Me,being me, an  affectionado of authenticity, I knew I could trust my friend with my heart and welcomed the pause to take inventory amidst a busy day. 

My response? 


It got me thinking. 

In any type of trauma - spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, financial... there seems to be a process that requires one to roll the Rs . 

There's the recognition.  The yeah, I have a problem, and this specific thing is it.  It's been said that admission of a problem is half the battle. 

Then the response. The flight or fight. The I'm tired of this and I want change. Or the ok just gonna run and ignore ( I don't recommend this. ) 

Then the recon . How are you going to quit digging the hole deeper, and get out of the hole? Who are you asking for help? What goals do you want to meet? What does that look like? 

Then the rescue. The practical steps to change the situation. 

Next, repetition. Think of this of trial and error. Finding the right strategies and response and resources.  Takes patience and determination, constant evaluation 

Recover. Once you found a treatment, time to work the plan. 

RejuvenateRebuild. Find and Get used to a new normal, get strength back. Renew and restore What was damaged or lost. 

Reevaluate : successes? Needs improvement? Goals met? What do you want to continue to improve about this situation? Do you need to go back a few steps? 

Anyway, file this one under #WhatImLearning. 

Not every issue you face will look the same. No two people deal with the same issue the same way. No process looks the same as another. They take various lengths of time, and each aera can vary. Sometime s, it's like a loopy roller coaster.... abcbcdbefcdfg... going back to steps you've already completed and retrying. 
During that part , it can be depressing. Discouraging. Draining. I dare say it's vital to have someone - anyone - you trust in your corner championing for you. Find those people. 

Give yourself and others GRACE. 

Peace out. 

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